Southern CA Girls Soccer Coach Arrested on Lewd Acts with a Minor
An El Segundo girls soccer coach was arrested on suspicion of committing lewd acts with a minor. He's qualified for induction in AT2W's Teachers Hall of Shame (THOS).
David Tinoco was arrested Monday at Recreation Park in El Segundo after agreeing to meet with the 15-year-old female victim. El Segundo police Lt. Raymond Garcia reported the incident.
As we know, Tinoco had been a soccer coach for teenage girls and that his job put him in direct contact with other juveniles. Garcia said the investigation revealed this information.
“Based on his demeanor and ease in which he attempted to manipulate the victim, investigators believe Tinoco may have committed similar acts with other teenage girls,” he said.Mr. Tinoco posted $100,000 bail on Tuesday.
Anyone who suspects Tinoco may have committed similar acts with others was urged to call El Segundo police Detective Jeff Humphrey at (310) 524-2284 or email him at jhumphrey@elsegundo.org.
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